Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Infertility Group

A friend of mine asked me to post that she started a Google Group for people going through infertility. She also had issues with A TIME, and wanted to start something for everyone, where all types are welcome. If you want to join, e-mail to join.


Anonymous said...

youre gtting me angrier and angrier. You have zero clue what atime is all bout. 'all types are welcome' at atime, theyve bent over backwards to make everyone feel athome. I am in tears reading how youre denigrating this amazing amzing org. You shouldve watched my speech at the chinese auction how I tell again and again how atime held my hands for 9 long lonely years. You knwo what, i'm taking you out of my blogline feeds and won't read you again. I'm really upset at this. bye and good luck w/the pgcy.

Michele said...

I don't have a clue what Time is but I've forwarded the email to another Jewish blogger I know who is also trying to get pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I didn't read this post last night, but that is NOT true!!! I have many friends that are not ultra orthodoxor orthodox inb ATIME. I am hurt by your stereoytping, and butcheriung of a great org. I even remember one shabboton where a non religeous couple was there. My friend is her twins PT and told me how she was sooooo welcomed by everyone there, even the chassidim!
Sorry, that you are having so many misconceptions!!! and spreading non truths about others. I even see that you have things against Chassidim too, so don't talk.