Monday, September 24, 2007

Family on Sukkos

We're going to my parents for Sukkos, and all of my siblings are going to be there. My older brother has 2 kids, who happen to be really cute. Now, I know some people dealing with infertility have a hard time dealing with nieces and nephews. I'm not one of them. However, I have a younger brother who's only been married for a short time. I'm just waiting for them to announce on Sukkos that she's pregnant. That would bother me - to have my younger brother have a kid before me. I had hoped we'd be done with our treatments before his wedding, but unfortunately, it didn't happen like that. Oh well.
It's kinda weird... on the one hand, I would never wish infertility on anyone. However, I'd really like to have a kid before them.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Test Results

Well, we got the results from the D&C yesterday. Turns out our baby was a boy. The tests showed that everything was normal. Now, there are a few possibilities. It could be a thyroid problem, it could be a blood clotting problem, or it could have been a fluke.
There is also the possibility that it is the abnormally shaped uterus. However, the top doctor in that field had checked her out right after the miscarriage, and said he didn't think that was the problem.
In a few weeks, we're having some more testing done to check if the thyroid or blood clotting are a problem.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fitting work with infertility

I had a meeting with my boss today. Due to treatments and procedures when I had to be at the doctor with my wife, I used more than my alloted vacation days at work. My manager spoke to HR about it, and they came up with a plan for me so that I don't get in trouble. Basically, I have to stay late pretty much every day through the end of the year.
It sucks, but I do what I have to.
For any who are wondering, my wife and I are taking a break from treatments now, so there won't be any updates as to actual procedures or such for a while. Of course, G-d can always get us pregnant naturally in the meantime...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rosh Hashanah

Well, Rosh Hashanah has gone by. When I was younger, I had a hard time sitting through the entire davening. The first year I davened in a yeshiva, I was nervous I'd go crazy from the long davening. However, it turned out that a yeshiva davening is like no other. I davened so much better there than ever before. The past few years, I haven't davened in a yeshiva. This year, I did again. It was a different yeshiva, a smaller one, and it wasn't as I remembered it. However, going through infertility has an effect on your davening. I asked G-d to help us this year, and to finally give us a child. Hopefully G-d will answer us as we want him to, together with everyone else.
G'mar Chasimah Tovah to everyone!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Next Step

After our most recent cycle ended in a miscarriage, my wife and I decided we needed to take a long break. Emotionally, we just felt we needed some time without worrying about meds, injections, monitoring, etc.
There was also the issue of my job. Due to doctor appointments and procedures, I pretty much used up all my off days for the year, and can't miss any more, other than Yomim Tovim. That also puts a halt to any treatments for a while.
My wife now thinks she may want to start another cycle soon. She said she may be able to get a friend to take her to and from the doctor's office for procedures, so I wouldn't have to miss work for it. I'm considering it. I would definitely wait until after Sukkos to start, if we decided to start again at all.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Helping Hands

Before I forget to mention, there are organizations out there who have been wonderful in helping us.
First and foremost is Bonei Olam. The amount of help they've given us is unbelievable. Whether it be financial help, medical advice, or just someone to talk to, they've always been there.
You can go to their website to make a donation. I'm not usually the type to ask for donations, but it's really the only way I can attempt to repay them for all their help.

Next, there is A TIME. The support they have given my wife through their message boards is tremendous. While their events tend to lean more towards the Chassidish element, there are all types on the message boards.

The help that these organizations give to all people suffering through infertility is immeasurable. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Real Friends

Sometimes, events happen that show you who your real friends are.
When my wife had her miscarriage recently, there were a few friends who we told about it. Not many, just a few who we thought were really close friends, who know we are going through infertility.
Everyone we told had the same initial reaction: "Oh, I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do?"
One of my friends stayed on the phone with me for close to an hour, at around midnight, because I was a wreck.
Another couple drove over an hour to spend some time with us, because we told them we needed some time with friends who could sympathize with us. Not only did they come, it was on a weeknight, and pretty late.
However, there were others. Some friends had the initial reaction, and that was it. They offered their help right away, but afterwards, that was it. When we spoke or wrote e-mails, it wasn't mentioned.
No "How are you? Feeling better?"
No "Do you need anything? Supper?"
Nothing. Not a word about it.

Sometimes it takes a sad event to show you who really cares, and who is your friend when it's convenient for them.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Initial Post

I decided to write about my wife's and my own journey through infertility. At this point, we've been trying for a few years to have a child, and have not yet been successful.
We've been to many doctors, and we have our diagnosis: my wife has PCOS and an abnormally shaped uterus, and I have low sperm count.
We've been through many different medications: Clomid, metformin, Gonal-F, and many others. Some have worked, some haven't, and some we don't really know for sure.
We've had treatments: Clomid for ovulation with nothing else, IUI with Clomid, IUI with injections, and IVF.
Most recently, we finally got a positive result. However, my wife miscarried after a few weeks.
Now we're waiting on some test results to see what happens.