Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Next Step

After our most recent cycle ended in a miscarriage, my wife and I decided we needed to take a long break. Emotionally, we just felt we needed some time without worrying about meds, injections, monitoring, etc.
There was also the issue of my job. Due to doctor appointments and procedures, I pretty much used up all my off days for the year, and can't miss any more, other than Yomim Tovim. That also puts a halt to any treatments for a while.
My wife now thinks she may want to start another cycle soon. She said she may be able to get a friend to take her to and from the doctor's office for procedures, so I wouldn't have to miss work for it. I'm considering it. I would definitely wait until after Sukkos to start, if we decided to start again at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just want you to know that i'm reading, keep writing.

- infertility survivor