Monday, October 15, 2007

Sharing segulos

I usually don't mind if someone recommends a segulah for us to try. People mean well, and they want to help us. However, sometimes it's just too much. A family member called my wife today with a new segulah. The problem was, we had already told this family member that we weren't interested in hearing different segulos anymore. But she called anyway. "My mother-in-law had this new thing, a big Rabbi said it will help, etc. I didn't really want to call, but my mother-in-law insisted, and, well, I know you don't like it, but she would have felt bad if you didn't hear about it, and I don't want to upset you, but after all, it's my mother-in-law, and she asked me to do her a favor..."
You get the idea. Is it too much for you to tell your mother-in-law that we don't want to hear it? Or, at least tell your mother-in-law to call herself. If she's going to make us feel uncomfortable, at least let her be uncomfortable at the same time.

1 comment:

arijess said...

ahh, segulos...

i always say, "if i had a ruby for everyone who offered me a ruby..."